Monday, June 10, 2013

Why It Matters

I often have many people ask me questions about h2 doing work in other countries, besides the work of equipping church leaders. Many ask questions such as “what about here?” So as I prepare to return to East Africa I thought it would be a great time to answer this “WHY?” question. No I am not mad, I’m actually very glad to be able to share my heart. Okay, lets begin. Lets start with the reality of responsibility. Jesus is God and God is God of all of the universe, not just America. You and I are first Christians and second Americans. If you can’t grasp the reality that we are first citizens of heaven, then much of this will not make sense to you.  When I look at poverty and the needs of others as a follower of Jesus, I look at the world, not just America. With the advances of technology and travel, our global responsibilities are intensely heightened. With such great wealth in their hands, the American Christian is obligated to help with the least of these. Can we help everyone? No. However, this should never stop us from helping one. Does this mean we should overlook the needs right in front of our faces? NO WAY! We must first determine the need. When arriving at the scene of an accident, the emergency workers first assess the victims to see who is in the worst condition. It would be silly to first stop at the closest victim who merely needs a Band-Aid, when the others are bleeding out. What are real needs? Food, water, and shelter are basic necessities of life. H2 has never let one person die of thirst, starvation or be without shelter. We have emptied our own refrigerators and placed sleeping bags on our living room floors. And to top that off, in the process we had an opportunity to preach to them the wonderful good news of the gospel.  How do we grade poverty? What about worldwide? Do you know that last year in America over 8 billion dollars was spent on cosmetics alone and 53 billion for pets? Also, the money spent on artificial green Easter grass could fix many health crises around the world. I've seen with my own eyes, handmade wooden coffins stacked up at the marketplaces to bury little children who died from drinking contaminated water. Not sure that I see that same desperation here. My kids drink bottled water because they don't like the taste of the water from the faucet. As a Christian, I believe the Scripture teaches us that we have a world-wide responsibility including the communities around us. The great question asked of Jesus was “who is my neighbor?” Many of the resources that God has granted the American church have sadly been spent on herself, perhaps unknowingly. How will we determine when it is time to help somewhere else? Will we base it on Christmas presents or children dying from lack of clean water et cetera?  I’m not calling people to get rid of their stuff, but to care and not write-off what I believe is part of their God-given responsibility. Of course “we need to take care of our own people,” but we need to be sensitive about where this starts and ends. Remember that we are not the government, we are the church and the rules are much different. A study showed that almost 50% of food stamp recipients in America were overweight. We ask how many people in America starve to death each year? The statistics for this is almost nonexistent. Many people in America eat from trash cans from which they find full of wasted food. In other countries, the trash cans are empty. There are hungry people in America, but few are dying from hunger. I remember distributing groceries in Pennsylvania and giving a woman in her forties a big box of food. After looking through the box, she began removing items and asked to trade them because she “didn't eat that brand.”

Sin has and will for a time, continue to create a fertile environment for disease, corruption, and every kind of evil to thrive. My eyes have seen the least of these, which are those at the bottom of the pile. As I travel through many places, I have seen many starving people dying on the side of a dusty road. I realize that my prayers for these people will reach the heavens and settle back in my own hands. Christ laid aside everything and came to us---a lost and desperate people starving beside a dusty road. Jesus came and walked down that same dusty road and gave His life... Jesus took care of our deepest needs. FOOD- “Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger”. WATER- “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.” SHELTER- “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

If you or someone you know, live in the USA and are struggling with hunger ,and don't live in the Northumberland/Snyder County Area  where h2church is; go to for help. You don't need to be hungry. 

In Love or Like???

Revelation 2:4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.

Do you know that the church is the “Body of Christ”? Jesus is the Head of the Church and the Body all at once... We cannot separate them even though many try... Some deceive themselves by trying to treat one better than the other and justifying their ill behavior of the other for a host of reasons. But can we rightfully treat one with distain or carelessness and be true to the other? The answer is NO!

What if each of you were so in love with Jesus and His body (aka: The church) that there would never be a plea from the local church for money or workers. Thats right... no more begging, offering announcements and/or clever campaigns. Instead, you as members of the body of Christ give liberally and find the giving a joy, and seek to know if you can give more, if needed. And even if serving means doing something you don’t like to do, you simply roll up your sleeves and get at it. No murmuring or negativity clouding the heart, but pure joy just to serve the body of Christ ... or as scripture says, “as unto the Lord”. Maybe I’m wrong, but when you’re in love with someone you are always asking, “what do you need?, “do you have enough?”, “can I do anymore?”. I know most of us remember this tone from early on in our relationships. We were quite attentive. However, I know for most, this tone has changed to a lukewarm or cold heart. Don’t accept this temperature drop as okay or normal... Its bad news.

When you're in love you long to be together. When you’re in love you don't see once a week as enough or something you could do with or without. Heaven is forever being in the presence of Christ. If you have no desire to be with the body of Christ. hmmm... I wonder how that works. Yes, I know we can make lists of excuses and reasons to dislike “church people”. Caution: Jesus won’t let you chop His head off and throw away His body... and He knows not everyone in the local church belongs to Him and He knows others are weak, annoying and even difficult. But He has left us with in instructions of how to live and deal with one another. 

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

When you’re in love, unless it’s some “forbidden love” (something shameful), you want everyone in your life to meet that special person. When you bring someone to where the body of Christ has assembled they get a special gift of meeting the supernatural presence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. “Where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus”...

When you’re in love you don't hold back. Everything you do seems to others as being over the top. Singing about and to Jesus and hearing the holy scriptures as they point to the very person of Christ should set our hearts on fire. We shouldn't need primed or pushed... And when the singing or preaching stops the thought of Him should linger in our hearts and minds. All because we love Him.

Are you really in Love or are you just in Like? I was in Like for a long time. I was only willing to do so much and only go so far. I was more worried about my comfort and happiness. Commitment was whatever I felt it should be. Obedience was optional. Then I experienced the Grace of God and it all began to change.

“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (1 Peter 1:8).

When you are in love you want to make the other person happy. How this is done is by doing whatever you know pleases that person. This is even when you don’t like to do what they want or perhaps don’t understand why they like or dislike... But when you are in love it means that your smile may only be there because you see the smile it puts on the face of the one you love. You receive enough joy from pleasing them that your lack of personal satisfaction doesn’t matter.  When Jesus calls us to love Him, He reminds us that we love Him by keeping His word. This is a real point of turning for many (I could say so much about this above all the other thoughts). When I am disobedient to God’s word, my heart is driven to exam the relationship that I profess to have with Jesus. Self- judgment using the word of God is the only way for a true believer to maintain a healthy love relationship with Jesus. 

Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23

Consider your relationship with Jesus... If there is any trouble in this relationship I assure you it’s not on His side of the relationship. Is there real evidence that you are truly in love with Him? Not just in mere outward expressions... Not just in busyness...  If the answer is no, then the same place the Spirit of God summoned the church of Ephesus to, I urge you to be. “Repentance Blvd”… Easy to find, but hard to get to because we must humble ourselves and confess our sin

Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. Revelation 2:5