Yesterday morning I had an opportunity to help at a funeral service. I parked cars and passed out bulletins. As I watched the family and friends arrive from near and far something struck me. Even though the person died, people still came out of respect to say good-bye. They did more then send cards and flowers. My Mom and Dad always said when going to a viewing that they were going to pay their “last respects”. This really moved my heart and I began to consider the actions and attitudes of the churches in this valley (including the one I belong too). Give me a moment to connect the dots. Because of the absence of Gospel preaching the local church has depended on church transfers as their main source of church growth. Its called the “attractional model”. Don’t deny it… How many people were saved already before coming to your church? A pie chart would be very interesting. Matter of fact some churches birthed in this area is a direct result of disgruntle Christians who can “do it” better and “know it” better. I thought the church was to be birthed as a result of people coming to Christ? Anyway… So many have indulged in the “my church is better, smarter, fancier, and even more right then yours” syndrome. As a result instead of being a church on a mission we have become this “Spiritual Walmart” of sorts. So like bees we witness Christians moving from flower to flower looking for the sweet stuff of spiritual life. I confess I was a part of this repulsive behavior and at first didn’t even realize it. When you leave a church in an improper manner (including not telling your leaving) it creates disunity (Romans 16:17), disorder (1 Corinthians 14:40), and major disappointment. And we as receiving churches also then become responsible for the disorder created in a neighboring fellowship. And we never seem to care until it affects us. Sometimes I didn’t even know who we were responsible for because of all the shiftiness (Hebrews 13:17). That’s not maintaining the unity, in fact that’s divisive and out of order and is just one more thing pitting local churches and their leaders against each other. The results is a drawing away of our energy from our mission with God. So I want to say sorry for my lack of integrity in this area and I apologized to all the local churches and pastors that have been hurt by our actions and lack of actions. I am working diligently with my leaders so that in the future we will not be a part of this deadly epidemic plaguing our area churches. I will send folks back to make sure everything is in order, blessings are given when possible, and that true love is expressed. I would encourage others to join me in this pursuit of peace and unity.
If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Romans 12:18