Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fair-Weather Christians

(Before you read this blog I will preface it by saying, "if it don't apply let it fly". However, if it does apply, "repent"... don't start sulking or trying to drown yourself in guilt. The Bible says he that has an ear let him hear!)

As time goes by I have noticed an increase of what I term, "local church abuse". Now don't get me wrong... the local church has definitely done her share of abusing in more ways than one, but I have observed much abuse directed at the church. I’m not talking from outside the church either, since that is to be expected. Sadly, from those that have made a profession of faith, but have decided to handle their relationship with the church with a “buffet” mentality. They pick and choose what they want and don’t want. This prevailing attitude has subsequently led to a hemorrhaging of strength from the local church. So with the siphoning of strength, instead of advancing the kingdom of God, we seem to be marching in circles. Instead of being able to help more people, we will have to inevitability switch to survival mode, which is not a characteristic of the Church of the Living God, but has become the trademark of the local church.
Ok what if you were in a relationship that involved very little communication, and little to no intimacy? What if that relationship went on for years just that way....until.....your life ran into tragedy....or you had some extra free time while in the waiting room somewhere....or you were in desperate need...or in very grave danger?
For many, this kind of relationship would not be acceptable; and if it were acceptable, not very heathy. Without the faithful partners of h2, where would h2 be? If everyone neglected their responsibilities to the local church, the people who come and go would come and find that there is no one there to help them anymore. Let’s face it, if you continually just take money out of your bank account you will eventually be broke. Are you hearing what I’m trying to say? 
So, imagine a relationship that involves 2 committed parties... committed to gathering together frequently, whether they had a good or bad week.... a relationship where there are both giving and receiving... mutual accountability, nurturing and mentorship.
If you haven’t taken your privilege and responsibility to the local church seriously, today would be a good day to start. Don’t just use the local church to bury, marry, and rescue you... or as some type of drug to make you feel better when you’re down. Don’t get me wrong... we are glad to do these things, but in reality, we are here for soooo much more! There is a major piece of being a follower of Jesus Christ that is missing when we don’t commit to the call of togetherness. The local church is God’s way of joining His people together to live in community with one another--not just a Sunday thing or a “it’s between me and God thing”. In heaven there will not be any 1- bedroom apartments.... there will be mansions with many rooms. So guess what??? We will be living together! It’s hard for me to believe that the local church should look any different. 

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