Saturday, December 17, 2011


No I didn't misspell the title. The “Christmas” season is a perfect example of perhaps what is a mess in the church.
We all know that Jesus was not born on December 25th, which isn’t the issue (Praise God He came!). Rather, the issue is we attempt to celebrate His birth by buying gifts for people who do not really need it and give Jesus what little still remains. This can consist of low praise, lack luster commitment, partial obedience and maybe 10% of our earnings. Isnʼt it interesting that everyone has their own birthday but still feel the need to receive something on Jesus’ “birthday” too? Does Jesus get gifts on your birthday? Just asking... I know Iʼm going to be persecuted for touching the sacred “Christmas cow.” And no—this is not my attempt to get out of buying my seven children gifts (even though thatʼs not a bad idea). Iʼm not saying there is something wrong with giving and receiving, but how dare we let the religious system and corporate America tell us when to shop and what to buy? I have heard about people being trampled to death on a Black Friday and scenes that looked more like rice distribution in Democratic Republic of Congo, the poorest country in Africa. In 2009 $410,000,000 were spent on Christmas trees in the United States (I have one too), and over $1,100,000,000 in gift wrap! WOW! Additionally, $5,000,000,000 was spent on gifts for pets. Do you realize how many worldwide problems of injustice the church could solve with just a small portion of the resources we use for gifts at this time of year? It would take approximately $10 billion dollars to provide clean water to the entire world. What a great gift the Church could give the world for Christmas. For the last few years this has been the conversation in our household. If you are going to use December 25th as the date you choose to celebrate the birth of Jesus, then do it. But I’d encourage you to think about how you celebrate. Sing worship songs, instead of just songs about snow and Grandma getting hit by a reindeer. Do something for someone that Jesus would have done as a way to honor Him, turning your worship into works that display His love. Remember to continually celebrate Him past the established walls built by man. Invite someone who lives alone to eat with you. Pass along the gifts that you don’t need to someone who needs them more. Spend more time with your children, which is a gift whose memories last forever. One of the greatest gifts you can give is of yourself. You are blessed to be a blessing! Everyday Jesus is worthy to be praised and celebrated! Well I’ve got to go. I have eight days left to comply or be exiled.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Am Not God

For most people, the title of this blog will make them say, "duhhhh...". But as we look closer, maybe not. I hear a lot of professing "christians" (especially on Facebook) saying things that are so against what God's Word states so clearly. I find myself wondering why they even want to have anything to do with "christianity". They treat lies as truth and truth as lies.  
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Romans 1:24, 25 
Here are my thoughts on this sweeping, but ancient epidemic.

What if anything you felt was a sin, was a sin? What if anything you felt wasn’t a sin, wasn’t a sin? I mean after all, you must keep up with current trends and the new norms, right??? Or the popular phrase, "If it feels right it probably is!" Let’s face it, when the bible says there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), there isn’t anything. In the Old Testament people did the same things we see people doing today. Listen, there are lots of things my flesh would love to indulge in, things I would love to simply just excuse as modernity... but I won’t. If I did, it would be like looking at God and saying, “I got this, so move out of my way”. Since the Garden of Eden we are familiar with the tone, "You shall be like God" the serpent said to Eve.
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts. Prov 21:2
In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Judges 17:6 
Why is it so hard for us to understand? Think about it, if you built and owned something, would you let someone else tell you what it was or what it was made for or how to use it? How would you feel if someone else came and changed it to make it the way they liked it best? We would all protest...would we not?
So I guess the question is, do you believe the God of the bible? Do you believe the God of creation? If so, obey Him no matter what’s popular or acceptable. This does not mean you should go around condemning others or acting self-righteous, but it should be demonstrated by your obedience to God's Word. The old saying was, "God said it and that settles it for me". One day we will stand before a Holy and Righteous God who has created us and has a will for us to live by. It's up to you to accept or reject this God. But there is no picking and choosing what you like or fence riding. Yes I struggle with sin everyday. The bible says, “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. Gal 5:17 But I fully believe that the struggle I face against my flesh will one day be worth it all. So I have eaten the whole Word and my stomach wrenches with pain as I fight each day for I am persuaded and I believe that He is God and I am Not! May God forgive us for our self-worship.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fair-Weather Christians

(Before you read this blog I will preface it by saying, "if it don't apply let it fly". However, if it does apply, "repent"... don't start sulking or trying to drown yourself in guilt. The Bible says he that has an ear let him hear!)

As time goes by I have noticed an increase of what I term, "local church abuse". Now don't get me wrong... the local church has definitely done her share of abusing in more ways than one, but I have observed much abuse directed at the church. I’m not talking from outside the church either, since that is to be expected. Sadly, from those that have made a profession of faith, but have decided to handle their relationship with the church with a “buffet” mentality. They pick and choose what they want and don’t want. This prevailing attitude has subsequently led to a hemorrhaging of strength from the local church. So with the siphoning of strength, instead of advancing the kingdom of God, we seem to be marching in circles. Instead of being able to help more people, we will have to inevitability switch to survival mode, which is not a characteristic of the Church of the Living God, but has become the trademark of the local church.
Ok what if you were in a relationship that involved very little communication, and little to no intimacy? What if that relationship went on for years just that way....until.....your life ran into tragedy....or you had some extra free time while in the waiting room somewhere....or you were in desperate need...or in very grave danger?
For many, this kind of relationship would not be acceptable; and if it were acceptable, not very heathy. Without the faithful partners of h2, where would h2 be? If everyone neglected their responsibilities to the local church, the people who come and go would come and find that there is no one there to help them anymore. Let’s face it, if you continually just take money out of your bank account you will eventually be broke. Are you hearing what I’m trying to say? 
So, imagine a relationship that involves 2 committed parties... committed to gathering together frequently, whether they had a good or bad week.... a relationship where there are both giving and receiving... mutual accountability, nurturing and mentorship.
If you haven’t taken your privilege and responsibility to the local church seriously, today would be a good day to start. Don’t just use the local church to bury, marry, and rescue you... or as some type of drug to make you feel better when you’re down. Don’t get me wrong... we are glad to do these things, but in reality, we are here for soooo much more! There is a major piece of being a follower of Jesus Christ that is missing when we don’t commit to the call of togetherness. The local church is God’s way of joining His people together to live in community with one another--not just a Sunday thing or a “it’s between me and God thing”. In heaven there will not be any 1- bedroom apartments.... there will be mansions with many rooms. So guess what??? We will be living together! It’s hard for me to believe that the local church should look any different. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Where are all the leaders?

Where are the leaders? Where are you? The Church has plenty of committee members, board members, voters, and general decision-makers. But where are the leaders? We have Christian celebrities, clock-punchers, and bench warmers. But where are the leaders? Where are you? 
Where are the courageous ones, who still believe they can make an eternal difference, the ones who face their fear of failure head-on, and who laugh in the face of their taunting enemies? Where are the sacrificial leaders, those who count the cost and joyfully pay it? Those who refuse to look backward, mourning what was lost, but instead look forward to the joy which one day awaits them? 
Where are those leaders who aren't just satisfied with following “the plan”, but are dreaming God-sized dreams and are busy bringing them to fruition? Where are the people who gorge themselves in faith, hope, and love each day, those who spill out that love everywhere they go, on everyone they meet? 
Where are those whose chief desire is the advancement of God's kingdom, and will take their place in the front lines, bringing forth the first blows of justice for the weak? Where are the leaders who understand that meekness is not timidity, but is instead power under the control of the Holy Spirit? Where are the leaders? Where are you? 
Today, I stand committed to be that leader, and am waiting to be joined. For the time is now and the hour is short. Right now, Jesus is calling for all the Abrams to abandon their homelands, their security, and come to a place He will show them. He is calling all Davids to leave their sheep in the field and come to the father’s house and be anointed. He is calling all Jonahs to rise from their waterside banks and prepare to sound the alarm and proclaim the Good News. He is calling, like he did Moses, that we might come running, barefooted, after Him, willing to do his awesome, glorious bidding. Where are the leaders? Where are YOU?

Thursday, August 25, 2011


As I was walking tonight my mind started to wander. There are so many things breaking my heart and crowding my thoughts. Let me simply start with what’s on top. Matter of fact I will save the other stuff for another day.
Kelly is a 27 year old mother who only a few months ago dedicated her life to Christ and was baptized. She is currently fighting for her life battling the nasty cancer monster. She has begged the doctors to let her come to an h2gathering (she listen on the phone this Sunday).  Caleb a 17 year old boy (good friend of my son Damien) who complained of a back pain and was diagnosed with Hodgkins stage 3 today. Everyday broken hearts sit inches away from me whose wounds are too deep for human hands to heal.  Emails and phone calls full of questions to find answers to sooth the pain or calm fears. Hurt on top of hurt, sorrow on top of sorrow.  The words of a song written by Paul Baloche says what my heart screams through all of this pain :
 I wasn't created to live this life alone
Made for Your glory I am not my own
Lord Your strength is made perfect in me
So I'll boast in the weakness I see

I am helpless helpless
And my heart is crying out for You
Jesus without Your presence
There is nothing I can do
I'm helpless without You

Lord in myself I am not enough
I need Your Spirit fill me with Your love
All I am and all that I do
Means nothing at all without You
The last verse really cuts through me “Lord in myself I am not enough” . As I contemplated all that was burdening me I was trying to figure out how I was going to deal with it all… But I realized it was impossible for me. But with God all things are possible! So do I feel better? Well I feel like a little boy who has been lost in the woods all night and finally finds his daddy and falls into his arms exhausted, too tired to smile,  but at peace knowing that he can depend on daddy to carry him all the way home.  Bruised and broken but safe in His arms.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Uganda 2011

Soroiti Uganda was an amazing journey. After flying in to Entebbe we drove an hour to Kampala were we stayed the night. Early in the morning we left to Soroiti 6 hour drive. What a long but enlightening drive. As we travelled I got to look into the eyes of the people. Their ingenuity was mixed with their antiquity. It was like driving through a time machine backwards (in a good way). I saw whole families including the little ways working in the fields. Mothers carried their babies in clothes wrapped around their waist digging, sowing seed and pumping water.  We arriving to Soroiti the pastors there had been waiting for us for almost 5 hours. Some had travel great distances by foot and bicycle to get there. It was hot so if you see the sweat pouring down my after 8 hours of teaching oh well. The booklets we handed out to each pastor got filled up to the point that many had to find more paper to write on. Equipping is part of the h2mission statement so this conference put us moving in the right direction. There is such a need across the globe for church leaders to be equipped so they can equip, so the gospel can go forth and the kingdom can advance.

Saturday, June 4, 2011